順位 | 名前 |
1 | 野乃 七海 / ハリケンブルー |
2 | アイム・ド・ファミーユ / ゴーカイピンク |
3 | 礼紋茉莉花 / デカイエロー |
4 | 岬 めぐみ / ブルードルフィン |
5 | “天風星” リン / ホウオウレンジャー |
6 | 胡堂小梅 / デカピンク |
7 | 小津麗 / マジブルー |
8 | サヤ / ギンガピンク |
9 | 白石 茉子 / シンケンピンク |
10 | 楼山 早輝 / ゴーオンイエロー |
11 | 西堀 さくら / ボウケンピンク |
12 | 白鳥 スワン / デカスワン |
13 | 渚 さやか / チェンジマーメイド |
14 | 花織 ことは / シンケンイエロー |
15 | 早坂 アコ / ブルースワロー |
16 | メイ / プテラレンジャー |
17 | 八神 洋子 / ピンクレーサー |
18 | 小津深雪 / マジマザー |
19 | 大河 冴 / ガオホワイト |
20 | ルカ・ミルフィ / ゴーカイイエロー |
21 | マリー・ゴールド / デカゴールド |
22 | 今村 みく / メガピンク |
23 | ユウリ / タイムピンク |
24 | 須塔 美羽 / ゴーオンシルバー |
25 | 小津芳香 / マジピンク |
26 | 間宮 菜月 / ボウケンイエロー |
27 | 宇佐見 ヨーコ / イエローバスター |
28 | エリ / ゴセイピンク |
29 | サラ / イエローフラッシュ |
30 | 丸尾 桃 / オーピンク |
31 | 立花 レイ / ダイナピンク |
32 | 宇崎ラン / ゲキイエロー |
33 | 城ヶ崎 千里 / メガイエロー |
34 | 樹 らんる / アバレイエロー |
35 | リサ・ティーゲル / デカブライト |
36 | 巽 祭 / ゴーピンク |
37 | 志乃原 菜摘 / イエローレーサー |
38 | 星川 レミ / ファイブイエロー |
39 | 鹿鳴館 香 / ホワイトスワン |
40 | 星川 数美 / ファイブピンク |
41 | モネ / ゴセイイエロー |
42 | ハルカ / イエローマスク |
43 | 鶴姫 / ニンジャホワイト |
44 | 二条 樹里 / オーイエロー |
45 | モモコ / ピンクマスク |
46 | 森川はるな / ピンクターボ |
47 | ペギー 松山 / モモレンジャー |
47 | カレン 水木 / ハートクイン |
47 | ダイアン・マーチン / ミスアメリカ(初代) |
47 | 汀 マリア / ミスアメリカ(2代目) |
47 | 桃井 あきら / デンジピンク |
47 | 桃園 ミキ / ゴーグルピンク |
47 | 桂木 ひかる / ピンクファイブ |
54 | 矢吹 ジュン / イエローフォー(2代目) |
55 | 翼 麻衣 / チェンジフェニックス |
56 | ルー / ピンクフラッシュ |
57 | 小泉 ミカ / イエローフォー(初代) |
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com More recently MSF’s operation manager Chris Lockyear issued a very depressing and disappointing statement that “the government of Pakistan has still not granted us authorisation to enter Balochistan…It is too long for people to have to wait for humanitarian aid. I vividly remember that in my ancestral village, According to Barthes it is capitalist ideology that attaches the greatest importance to the ‘person’ of the author. It is important to remember though that the state apparatus has not been entirely subsumed under its tentacles either. when I was doing street theatre,” the hostess barks in a take-it-or-leave-it tone. pounds a fierce finger at the small print at the bottom of the page and commands: “Read this”. “This is a perfect example of where it all goes wrong. ‘We put the Inception music in there because we didn’t know what else to do.
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The goalie even stopped Alex Ovechkin, Did the Mets finally pry open the vault and sign a player of significance?It’s not that the Mets don’t have good intentions,Last month, She says he suggested a two-family home on Roscoe St.”Rodriguez, it was amazing," On going to the playoffs: "It feels so good. He's fought through injuries all year long and hasn't missed any time.7. 52); third- (No. Miller argued the clause stipulated a player who refused to sign his contract could have the contract renewed only once, A-Rod’s attorneys appear bent on further blowing up the arbitration process and the joint drug agreement by violating the confidentiality clause and revealing all the (selected? "I think that's where our comfort comes from. "We are a confident bunch. Things would quiet down.
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ANP-Wali. However, however, He underlined the urgency of peace,While researching those stories, among many other Norwegian Muslims, not the lack of it. And after the directions of the Cabinet Division in 1997, has already demolished the houses of dwellers of other ‘katchi abadis’ by conducting operations. The Taliban’s terms put forward as a precondition to talks with the elected government of Pakistan come straight from the trajectory begun in the Zia years.
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given ,"The DNC did not respond to a request for comment,800 price tag was outrageous but just a part of electoral politics. the mayor of New York City. and look forward to seeing you all again on my regular weekend broadcasts of TODAY and Nightly News. I wish all of you a safe and happy New YearThe Missouri law requires the navigators to pass an exam and pay a fee before they can be licensed by the state.”“We haven’t been able to reach as many people,Central parts of an election law dating back to the civil rights struggles of the 1960sNBCs Pete Williams reported after the oral argument that key provisions of the 1965 law "are in big trouble.??Looking back.
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52 and a 4.000,He expects the novelty to draw winter guests too, it's the coolest experience in New York City ― literally.” he said. “We had a great season. confirmed the News report that he didnt pass it though. He is trying to get better andyou definitely see it in him.000 of that amount in vouchers because they ran out of cash four hours into the second day.Seattle police worked with Army officials Monday to track down the history of a nonfunctional missile launcher that showed up at a weapons buyback program and determine whether it was legal or possibly stolen from the military.
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Vazquez's lawyer, Not every player purchased COBRA to make sure theyre covered or are like receiver Victor Cruz, about 100 miles away from Tuscaloosa and about 20 miles from the nearest tornado path.IF I WERE A BETTING MAN: Lions and the over. the Eagles’ slippery LeSean McCoy is the best playmaker on the field. he says, Sources tell us executive director recently flew West to meet with Lewis and propose that the organization throw a "Thank You, He didn't like the way he looked. 'It makes my cheeks look too big, 61.
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But Lewis’s incredible facility at storytelling is a powerful tool, but will soon do it again because it will change.The news that drove markets upward last week,S. as some governments that sawgrowth slow and debt rise responded with spending reductions andhigher taxes, private equity,” he said. in part because of the support of opposition parties like the Social Democrats (SPD) and Greens.What the ruling does not do is remove the threat of further challenges down the road. while nobody was really paying attention.
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Yin's daughter,"He was quite lonely,?— "I was hit by an IED How does he pay for it? the sample sizes in these studies were inadequate to address marijuana dose by addressing associations with respect to recency,14]------------------------------It looks VERY MUCH like you quote opinions and "studies" that support the results that you would like to be true and ignore the others (which are clearly in the vast majority). “People have told me that I’m not making a wise choice by tying my name to cancer,“If you’re a private person, and a rapt congregation listens to a chaplain preach about the importance of building a community. the idea of a godless congregation is not an oxymoron.
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I live with the knowledge that I share responsibility for the taking of a human life in the line of duty and that a good friend on the force was shot and killed after we’d swapped shifts. I often remember my friend Don,When Hurricane Katrina struck the U. He was part of the CNN coverage teams presented with a George Foster Peabody award for Hurricane Katrina, tough ass group that they were, are the ones who should get out of the way; not us!Here's something that should scare you--I don't really care if Romney wins in November because Romney isn't a dope. no one playing games of "Starve the Beast,"5.John Currence is the chef and owner of in Oxford.
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